Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Scooter and camping questions
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: MJ (
Date:   01-20-07 18:08

Wow. I understand the desire to want to know the whats and wheres but some of the questions on the forum these days are starting to make me wonder what happened to the adventure of travel? The *what happens next* sort of curiousity - the *who knows what will happen* fun of a new place...
Fawn, I'm not picking on you, I just want you to so enjoy your experience here and leave your worries in a pocket back home ;)

Here's my list.

1. Culebra is probably the safest place you will ever have been, any time, anywhere unless it's one of those teeny tiny far away places that have only had 30 tourists and no cruise ships. It's a shock to many - deal with your own comfort zone as to locking up, putting away, etc. If you stay more than a few days, you'll understand.
2. While it is the written motto on my cart, it is totally true of all Culebra, and that is how it is: Open Somedays, Closed Others (sometimes all the food kioskos will be happening with awesome local (and in my opinion, healthy) food at the beach, sometimes there will just be one and you won't like what they offer. Sometimes you will get someone to answer your emails, sometimes you won't. Sometimes the place you want to eat will be open, sometimes it will be closed. Sometimes we have lots of fruit and veggies (like right now, and we're loving it) and sometimes, a nasty tomato will be on offer. Sometimes you can luck into a place to stay for the night without reservations, sometimes you can't. Sometimes you will be in rain, or too hot or in the midst of a mosquito invasion and sometimes it will be so perfect you want to cry for quiet joy.
3. What will always be around...beautiful beaches, excellent people to help you in any way they can, food to eat even if it's not what you hoped for, and tranquillity beyond what you ever expected, if that is really what you are looking for.
4. Say good morning (Buenos dias), say good afternoon (buenos tardes), say good evening (buenos noches) and smile. It makes a big difference, and when you try it, once again, you'll understand (don't worry about your accent, or if you say it *right* - trying is the point and the reward).

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