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Re: Pros and Cons of Jeep Rentals
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Kayra (
Date:   01-22-07 21:18

I agree with Debbie about those who already have reservations with Carlos Jeep Rental to keep their reservations and report back on their experiences. I know whenever I rent a vehicle I inspect the whole thing everywhere since in Puerto Rico (not in Culebra, in the whole island) they seem to be strict with any damages. That said, it's rough terrain in Culebra. I'm surprised that Carlos's jeep has all the new vehicles. I'd be renting army hummers. ;)

I think we all need to lighten up, it's true they are a very successful business so it's looking like that was an isolated incident. And if it wasn't, I hope what has come to light in this thread will make the staff at Carlos Jeep Rental more conscious of how they treat any tourist/foreigner, the REASON why the business has the success it has.

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 Pros and Cons of Jeep Rentals  new
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Frank 01-19-07 16:14 
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Alahia 01-19-07 16:15 
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Doug 01-19-07 16:26 
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richard 01-19-07 17:34 
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beachbound 01-19-07 18:00 
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Kayra 01-20-07 17:52 
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Gary Eichelberger 01-21-07 21:29 
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richard 01-22-07 03:53 
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Debbie 01-22-07 08:23 
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Alahia 01-22-07 13:28 
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Gary Eichelberger 01-22-07 14:15 
 Re: Warning to all jeep renters!  new
Gary Eichelberger 01-22-07 14:36 
 Re: Warning to all jeep renters!  new
Kayra 01-22-07 15:04 
 Re: Pros and Cons of Jeep Rentals  new
richard 01-22-07 17:00 
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LA_FadeAway 01-22-07 20:11 
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Ann Crumpton 01-22-07 20:40 
 Re: Pros and Cons of Jeep Rentals  new
Frank 01-22-07 20:32 
 Re: Pros and Cons of Jeep Rentals  new
Debbie 01-22-07 21:02 
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jeremy 01-22-07 21:02 
 Re: Pros and Cons of Jeep Rentals  new
Kayra 01-22-07 21:18 
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richard 01-23-07 04:38 
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Kayra 01-23-07 09:19 
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Kayra 01-24-07 21:22 
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 Re: Pros and Cons of Jeep Rentals  new
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