Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Layover in San Juan
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Ann Crumpton (
Date:   01-15-07 21:17

Thank you for the name of this inn. I had booked elsewhere in San Juan for layovers coming and going and was not completely happy about my choice. After reading this post I looked at the Tres Palmas website and called to talk to a very nice gentleman who booked us for our stay. I cancelled the other hotel- which had no pool, no jacuzzi and probably not much view. Although we will be there only overnight coming in and going out I wanted a nice place to "set the tone".
Thanks again for the help and suggestion.

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Ann Crumpton 01-14-07 19:21 
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Claudia 01-14-07 23:00 
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Ann Crumpton 01-15-07 21:17 
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Debbie 01-15-07 22:01 
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Claudia 01-15-07 08:17 
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Claudia 01-15-07 20:35 
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BJN 01-16-07 21:27 
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Ann Crumpton 01-16-07 21:47