Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Charles Allen (170.143.252.---)
Date:   07-13-05 10:36

Guys, guys,

All this fuss over a simple trip report. If I seemed to "rant", I apologise. It's just that I noticed many people wanted to know what it was like to stay at Tamarindo Estates, so I tried to let them know in detail; the restaurant was a major selling point of staying there, so when it still remained closed after at least a month after the chef left, that's disappointing and people considering TE as a place to stay should know that - the restaurant is still not scheduled to open anytime soon.

Many folks have also expressed an interest in internet connections, including WIFI - a lot of visitors to Culebra want to sent back pictures of the island to their friends; the two places mentioned on the forum as having WIFI service did not, in fact, have such service, and I thought I would update the forum as to that fact.

I also wanted to let people know about the gouging they're going to get from the car rental places (if they're not prepared) from the additional liability aspects they hit you with the moment you arrive (having your insurance card is not sufficient to avoid these additional charges of approximately $20.00 per day, as they insist that you have the actual insurance contract with you; this is not disclosed when you make a reservation, as they wait until you arrive at the island, and they're the only game in town).

As for the service comments, I'm sorry; poor service can be found anywhere, even in the nicest places.

Culebra has some of the best sand beaches in the Caribbean and I was privileged to see them.

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Charles Allen 07-05-05 16:11 
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pucca 07-10-05 17:48 
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john smith 07-10-05 22:47 
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Charles Allen 07-11-05 10:18 
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Charles Allen 07-11-05 10:44 
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john smith 07-11-05 15:28 
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Peter Bowden 07-11-05 17:27 
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john smith 07-11-05 22:25 
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joseph yurchak 07-11-05 23:27 
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Peter Bowden 07-12-05 05:49 
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john smith 07-12-05 12:09 
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ron 07-12-05 14:47 
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Peter Bowden 07-12-05 14:02 
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john smith 07-12-05 15:37 
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ron 07-12-05 16:42 
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ron 07-12-05 16:46 
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Peter Bowden 07-12-05 15:52 
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john smith 07-12-05 16:26 
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Doug 07-12-05 16:34 
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ron 07-12-05 16:54 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 16:51 
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ron 07-12-05 16:56 
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john smith 07-12-05 17:54 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 19:03 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Charles Allen 07-13-05 10:36 
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ron 07-13-05 15:45 
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john smith 07-13-05 18:37 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-14-05 09:53 
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john smith 07-14-05 11:43 
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Peter Bowden 07-14-05 12:00 
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john smith 07-14-05 13:49 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-14-05 14:24