Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Peter Bowden (
Date:   07-11-05 17:27

Hey Smitty,
This is a travel forum where travelers exchange information about their experiences. Of course they do, after all, represent opinions that you may or not agree with.

Your petty sniping and slander are doing "your" islands a disservice. If you are trying to keep tourists away then you are doing a fine job.

Here's an idea for you...get a life pal.

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Charles Allen 07-05-05 16:11 
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pucca 07-10-05 17:48 
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john smith 07-10-05 22:47 
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Charles Allen 07-11-05 10:18 
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Charles Allen 07-11-05 10:44 
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john smith 07-11-05 15:28 
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Peter Bowden 07-11-05 17:27 
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john smith 07-11-05 22:25 
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joseph yurchak 07-11-05 23:27 
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Peter Bowden 07-12-05 05:49 
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john smith 07-12-05 12:09 
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ron 07-12-05 14:47 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 14:02 
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john smith 07-12-05 15:37 
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ron 07-12-05 16:42 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
ron 07-12-05 16:46 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 15:52 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
john smith 07-12-05 16:26 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Doug 07-12-05 16:34 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
ron 07-12-05 16:54 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 16:51 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
ron 07-12-05 16:56 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
john smith 07-12-05 17:54 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 19:03 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Charles Allen 07-13-05 10:36 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
ron 07-13-05 15:45 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
john smith 07-13-05 18:37 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-14-05 09:53 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
john smith 07-14-05 11:43 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-14-05 12:00 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
john smith 07-14-05 13:49 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-14-05 14:24