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Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Charles Allen (170.143.252.---)
Date:   07-11-05 10:44

Dear Mr. Smits,

I thought a trip report would include a fair assessment of my trip - both good and disappointing events. My intent was to help other travelers to the island, and I didn't sugar-coat it for the benefit of Culebra's landowners. Although we weren't served at a couple of the restaurants, all the other people we met thoughout the island were very pleasant and nice. However, it's a good thing we didn't meet you. I have looked at your past posts and you have a major chip on your shoulder for some odd reason. You are obviously a jerk, and your type is found everywhere, unfortunately.

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Charles Allen 07-05-05 16:11 
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pucca 07-10-05 17:48 
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john smith 07-10-05 22:47 
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Charles Allen 07-11-05 10:18 
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Charles Allen 07-11-05 10:44 
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john smith 07-11-05 15:28 
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Peter Bowden 07-11-05 17:27 
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john smith 07-11-05 22:25 
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joseph yurchak 07-11-05 23:27 
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Peter Bowden 07-12-05 05:49 
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john smith 07-12-05 12:09 
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ron 07-12-05 14:47 
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Peter Bowden 07-12-05 14:02 
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john smith 07-12-05 15:37 
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ron 07-12-05 16:42 
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ron 07-12-05 16:46 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 15:52 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
john smith 07-12-05 16:26 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Doug 07-12-05 16:34 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
ron 07-12-05 16:54 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 16:51 
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ron 07-12-05 16:56 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
john smith 07-12-05 17:54 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 19:03 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Charles Allen 07-13-05 10:36 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
ron 07-13-05 15:45 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
john smith 07-13-05 18:37 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-14-05 09:53 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
john smith 07-14-05 11:43 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-14-05 12:00 
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john smith 07-14-05 13:49 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-14-05 14:24