Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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from a resident
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Teresa (66.50.189.---)
Date:   04-09-05 12:38

Thank everyone for the opportunity to read the first or repeat impressions of visitors. Normally I would not write anything like this in a public forum but maybe this might shed some light, maybe not. All of us that live here are eeking out a living the best we can. Even those of us who have the higher paying jobs ( I have one) do not have an easy life because of the day to day tasks and time involved in getting things done that one cares about or is devoted to. I monitor this forum because I hope that I can prevent problems associated with the wildlife refuge. A lot of people enjoy visiting the islands and that is great. We don't have adequate staff to care for it as we would like to and, therefore, I am thrilled to be able to see people's views and questions and have the opportunity to answer them in short order. Thanks again for that.

Comments made about businesses are helpful when they are constructive and give guidance to first-time visitors. I have used websites myself for information when visiting other sites in PR. What concerns me is the tone of some comments about individuals and businesses on this forum. I hurt when I see negative comments made of people that live here. I realize that this is a public forum and we live in a democracy, thank goodness, and have the right to free speech. What I am asking of visitors and people who post to this forum is the following: please realize that all that live here are just people, we are all citizens with the rest of you; we don't intend to be inhospitable or rude or uncaring or lacking of the things that you seek or expect. Maybe it is the fault if the world at large sending messages to all tourists everywhere. People look for different things. Culebra has a special ambience to offer and it does that very graciously. We have limitiations on services and goods on all fronts and that is just the way it is, but people do the best with what they have. Sometimes we get cranky when we go and go and go and go trying to please the public while trying to survive here at the same time. All have a breaking point. All I ask is your patience and open-mindedness when it come to visiting here. Someone visiting here cannot possibly know what might have recently happened in the life of the person they see at a given moment or understand the challenges in trying to run a business where everything is dependant on cargo ferry service from places that don't have full service capability. To live here and, especially, to have a business here depends on self sufficiency and ingenuity of an especially high order. I wonder how it would be if we in Culebra had the opportunity to visit all of the people who post here and be able to comment on their work ethics or daily goings on. Maybe that would be hurtful to some too.

I feel sure that those with businesses in Culebra want to provide the best that they can. And it is especially wonderful because local families are able to tap into tourism and benefit too. They were here first. Their lives should not have to change to please people that come in for short visits. The total experience just might not be what someone expects of a vacation service or what someone might thing "acceptable" for tourism. But Culebra is way special. If it ever gets to the point where people that come here have glowing reports on services then it will probably be just like somewhere in the states and you won't need to travel so far to see the same thing.

Anyway, best wishes to all, I feel that Culebra really does appreciate your business, and I sincerely hope that I have not offended anyone with this post.


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