Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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have ?? about coming
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: sisco (
Date:   08-11-10 15:51

a group of us are coming to the island in October. I think we have lodging squared away. however we have some questions.

more questions will follow im sure, because as we read through this forum we are learning new things to ask about.

First group of Questions:

One thing some of us are wanting to do is go spearfishing. I understand you can only spearfish while free-diving. Also i was reading that some beaches do not allow fishing.

Where is spearfhishing allowed? if beach fishing isnt allowed does that also pertain to spearfishing off in the waters?

Do we need to obtain some type of a license before we hit the water?

what is the average daily rental on a vehicle there? 5 people need to be able to squeeze into it. not looking for comfort. (i have looked at 2 websites for there but couldnt get a good answer on $$ per day)

another question:

what is the best way for 5 people to get from the airport on PR to the other side of the island to where the culebra ferry is?

thanks for any input

(i know i will have more questions later)

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 have ?? about coming  new
sisco 08-11-10 15:51 
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Mark McSweeney 08-11-10 16:02 
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sisco 08-11-10 16:02 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Mark McSweeney 08-11-10 16:49 
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Linda H 08-11-10 20:13 
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richard 08-11-10 22:15 
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Vicki moore 08-12-10 04:22 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
sisco 08-12-10 11:23 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Geronimo 08-12-10 08:04 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Mark McSweeney 08-12-10 15:12 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Linda H 08-12-10 16:34 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
richard 08-13-10 03:42 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Mark McSweeney 08-13-10 08:16 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Geronimo 08-13-10 17:59 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Linda H 08-13-10 20:55 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Mark McSweeney 08-14-10 08:19 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
richard 08-14-10 02:58 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Debbie 08-14-10 09:45 
 Re: have ?? about coming  new
Inter Isand Water Taxi 08-18-10 08:45