Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: coming down soon
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Mort (
Date:   11-13-08 08:18

I would like to second MJ's advice about the campground.

When I was there with my family for ten nights last January, our next door neighbor was a guy who had been there for several months. Needless to say, he had the best campsite in the whole place... gorgeous.

A hundred yards away, another guy had been there for a month and a half (so far).

In the next section, there was a woman who had been there for two months and does it annually.

It's $20 per tent per night. If you're 60, it's $10 per night. If you can convince them that you're a local or are moving there, the local rate is $10 per night.

If you don't mind "roughing it" a little, you simply can not find a more beautiful, relaxing, restoring place to be.

And it's remarkably convenient. You can catch publicos into town and back for $2 a trip.

But be prepared for some crowds in the campground during the holiday period, which ends around Jan 6 or so (there's a local holiday around then).

But there's a section at the very end, Section E, that tends to be a lot quieter than the others. Definitely go down to that section.

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