Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Debb Dezz (
Date:   07-25-08 19:09

My thoughts EXACTLY Mort Theoretically speaking of course .. lol .. Anyhow I suppose if we do miss the boat we'll just eat the ferry TIX, head back to PFBB and Eat breaskfast there Again lol then head to the rainforest 4 the day & just head to Culebra on Saturday only this time We'll Skip breakfast @ PFBB, grab somethin on the road instead and get to ferry earlier ..

It's all good :)

Many Thx

Debb Dezz

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 Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes  new
Debb Dezz 07-25-08 14:46 
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 Re: Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes  new
Debb Dezz 07-25-08 19:09 
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Debbie 07-25-08 19:19 
 Re: Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes  new
Debb Dezz 07-25-08 21:10 
 Re: Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes  new
Doug 07-26-08 10:38 
 Re: Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes  new
Debb Dezz 07-26-08 15:36 
 Re: Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes  new
Jeannie G3 07-26-08 19:28 
 Re: Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes  new
Debb Dezz 07-29-08 15:11 
 Re: Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes  new
Jeannie G3 07-29-08 23:12 
 Re: Anyone know how long it "Realistically" takes  new
Culebra MJ 07-29-08 18:34