Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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any way to avoid rooster noise?
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Robert Campbell (---.CSGS.ADMIN.NYU.EDU)
Date:   06-25-08 13:12

Hi - Me again. Still trying to figure out if Culebra will be a good fit for us for a vacation in January.

I keep reading about the roosters crowing all night, etc. I like animals a lot, but I can see how that could be annoying on a short vacation (we wouldn't really have a chance to get used to it and drown it out).

Is there anywhere on the island where the roosters are less prevalent? Or are they everywhere? Are they near the beach at Flamenco?

Thanks again!

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 any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Robert Campbell 06-25-08 13:12 
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richard 06-25-08 13:36 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Robert Campbell 06-25-08 13:46 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Frank 06-25-08 14:05 
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Jeannie G3 06-25-08 14:18 
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Mort 06-25-08 16:22 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Tricia 06-25-08 16:24 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Doug 06-25-08 16:54 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Robert Campbell 06-25-08 20:50 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Debbie 06-25-08 22:09 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Robert Campbell 06-25-08 22:28 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Blues, M.D. 06-25-08 23:23 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Jeannie G3 06-25-08 23:46 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Robert Campbell 06-26-08 09:55 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Mort 06-26-08 10:24 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
bosie 06-26-08 11:01 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Doug 06-26-08 11:02 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Robert Campbell 06-26-08 11:02 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Ty Watson 06-26-08 11:39 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Arroz 06-26-08 19:27 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Debbie 06-26-08 20:21 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Arroz 06-26-08 21:47 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Doug 06-26-08 22:12 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
richard 06-27-08 00:52 
 Re: any way to avoid rooster noise?  new
Arroz 06-27-08 08:49