Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Day Trip?
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Jeannie G3 (
Date:   09-30-08 12:15

Hola! Mona requires a couple of days. There is absolutely nothing on the island There is a structure in construction for public lodging purposes, it has not been completed and although the governor visited in the spring, it is not yet open to the public. You must travel to Lajas, southwest of PR and get in touch with tourist outfit/guide that will take you there. The trip to Mona is about 5-6 hours long and they only go when the currents are safe. It is a very ROUGH trip. The currents (resaca) these past weeks have been very strong but will be much calmer in December. Staying at Mona Island is tent camping only and you have to take everything with you including drinking water because there is none on the island. There are no showers or toilet facilities either, it is roughing it in all the sense of the word. It would require a 3 hour trip from Rio Grande to Lajas, possibly a stay the night before or day you come back. After enjoying the Wyndham, I don't think you'll want to rough it like that at Mona, LOL!!! Day tip to either Culebra or Vieques is doable but you'd be rushing, stay at least a night and enjoy. Happy travels! J


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Jeannie G3 09-30-08 12:15 
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