Author: Diane (
Date: 01-18-03 22:43
I do hope things get resolved in this website.
FACT 1: Upon filling out the inquiry form here I did receive a huge response from proprietors on Culebra, all mostly within 24 -48 hrs. I appreciated the timely responses, their sincerity in shooting me prices as best they could far into the future, and their prompt responses in follow-up email. This would have taken me days to send out emails individually.
FACT 2: I realize that by virtue of the fact that my email address is posted, I will receive some junk mail. I guess that's the internet...isn't it. I just hope that was not the case here, Mr. Fisher states not.
FACT 3: This IS the most comprehensive site I have found on Culebra thus far. I shall continue to use it, and plan our 2003 trip thru it's info. I hope people continue to use it in a respectable manner.
Thank you.