Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Culebra snorkeling question
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: ginayac (
Date:   10-29-06 21:45


I got to Carlos Rosario with my husband by way of foot. Do not wear flip flops It is too hilly and there is no traction with the flops. I found carlos to be a bit rough then again I was on the left side of the beach and there was a lot of rocks in the water. I snorkeled for a second (because I am not a pro snorkeler and from the look sof the water being too rough I did not want to chance it) I have been almost sucked into an undertow and I get really scared when I am not in control. Although I will say past the rocks the water was quite calm and not to scary but I just didn't have the guts that day to go past the rocks. I hope this helps some. Just one more husband and I were the only ones at Carlos Rosario and this was during 4th of July week.

Take care,

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