Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Peter Bowden (
Date:   07-12-05 19:03

No not great.
t seems that the best solution would be for the locals and like minded NAs to beat the big interests at their own game. Tap into that wonderful Viequenses' hospitality and resurrect this part of the Caribbean as a special
place for special people. Veiques has fought "against" for so long that I hope she hasn't forgotten how to fight "for" something.

I've heard that it might be possible for the municipality to turn the old bunkers into eco-lodging. That would be a novel idea and there's even an infrastructure (road, power) in place already.

Isabel Segunda is also rife with possibilities and I can see where ron is tempted. So much much pressure.

While the island's beaches are an attraction, the people of Vieques and the story of their tribulation are what bind my heart to the place. This is an aspect of Vieques that should remain forefront and the story should be told and retold to all who visit so it is remembered and honored.

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Charles Allen 07-11-05 10:18 
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Charles Allen 07-11-05 10:44 
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john smith 07-11-05 15:28 
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Peter Bowden 07-11-05 17:27 
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john smith 07-11-05 22:25 
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joseph yurchak 07-11-05 23:27 
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Peter Bowden 07-12-05 05:49 
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john smith 07-12-05 12:09 
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ron 07-12-05 14:47 
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Peter Bowden 07-12-05 14:02 
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john smith 07-12-05 15:37 
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ron 07-12-05 16:42 
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ron 07-12-05 16:46 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 15:52 
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john smith 07-12-05 16:26 
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Doug 07-12-05 16:34 
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ron 07-12-05 16:54 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 16:51 
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ron 07-12-05 16:56 
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john smith 07-12-05 17:54 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-12-05 19:03 
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Charles Allen 07-13-05 10:36 
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ron 07-13-05 15:45 
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john smith 07-13-05 18:37 
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Peter Bowden 07-14-05 09:53 
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john smith 07-14-05 11:43 
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Peter Bowden 07-14-05 12:00 
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john smith 07-14-05 13:49 
 Re: Trip report; stay at Tamarindo  new
Peter Bowden 07-14-05 14:24