Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Wildlife refuge office
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: teresa tallevast (
Date:   12-07-02 21:50

Hi Melanie, the artifacts were delivered to the FWS Archaeologist at FWS Regional Office in Atlanta Georgia in 1992. I will contact them next week to find out where they are now located. I still have some items in my office that were found after the official dig was conducted. Some of those will be delivered in the future to the Culebra Museum operated by the Culebra Foundation. Just so you know, we had the site for construction of the FWS building moved 100 feet to the north to prevent it's sitting on top of the midden. The midden site is protected within Refuge property and surrounded by a wooden fence which can be entered by visitors. Native trees have been planted at the site as part of a reforestation effort for that part of the island. Also, for your information, another preliminary excavation was conducted at Playa Tortola on Culebra Island which revealed pottery of Taino and pre-Taino origin. We found the site while doing sea turtle work on that beach. The PR Institute of Culture has the artifacts from that work. I will forward artifact location info to you when I receive it and will be happy to answer any other questions that you might have.

eresa Tallevast

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