Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Bahia Marina Resort
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Gail Meka (
Date:   02-21-05 11:22

Just returned from Culebra and had a fabulous time at Bahia Marina! We had heard that lodging on Culebra could be without some ammenities such as hot water or air conditioning. But this resort has it all. They have recently reopened and each unit is brand new, has a great view, new kitchen/living room with a futon sofa. There are two full baths and a separate bedroom. We had another couple join us for a few days and they were very comfortable on the futon...and had their own bath. Every room has a balcony and we overlooked the pool.

This resort also has a dining room and serves great lunches and dinner. The price was a bargain as well. We paid $163/ night and that included taxes.

We wanted to share this with anyone travelling to Culebra since we had heard about so many bad lodging experiences. You can be sure of this place! You'll need a jeep to get there (about 10 min from the airport) but you'll probably want one to get around the island anyway.

Reservations can be made by e-mail: or

If anyone has any questions, we will do our best to respond.

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Gail Meka 02-21-05 11:22 
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JoseGuzman 02-22-05 05:13 
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john smith 07-02-05 12:28 
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JM 02-22-05 06:54 
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Debbie 02-22-05 22:23 
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john smith 07-02-05 18:04 
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JM 07-04-05 21:08 
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Gail Meka 07-05-05 14:58 
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john smith 07-06-05 16:49 
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john smith 07-12-05 19:48