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The current weather in Culebra

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Re: have ?? about coming
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: richard (
Date:   08-13-10 03:42

Mark, I personally have no complaints about the guy, in that situation, my friend would have had to either do without for a few days or lose the full-term rental. But I'd never hesitate to use him again, I found a Jerry map this Spring while moving, and I'm trying to figure out how to frame a document that has 2 sides.

I'm guessing he was caught off guard (my friend can be abrupt)

my kidding about the 30 minutes is that after a coupla trips, well let's just say not too much changes and while I appreciate the true feeling he has for the place I know how to get to Zoni, just let me know what's new. although in retrospect I sorta wished I'd dummied up and let the whole presentation flow (but it was getting towards 7 and needed to hit the grocery store)

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