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The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Wildife and Relaxation Yacht Charter In Culebra
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Culebra MJ (67.224.131.---)
Date:   12-21-09 16:58

Hello, Capt. Rick,

I am coming into this way late in the game. I come to work by dinghy and so came by your vessel twice every day while you were recently (up until this morning!) here. I will admit to some serious boat lust - expedition type ships a fondness of mine especially with the sail power. I wish I was a little less shy (yes, I know scores of you are laughing, but I can be) and had just come up and said hello...and asked for a tour!

I guess what I'm seeing in the above comments/questions is one central question that I didn't see an answer for. Did you go through a permit process or are you just here and taking folks around Culebra? If the latter is the case, have you been in touch with those on Culebra familiar with the local flora and fauna or have you been here enough to feel you can do that on your own?

It sounds like you are working to be sustainable around here. Your anchorage wasn't in any place damaging (except in the middle of my straight shot to town!) and I appreciate that. It's just that yes, we've got a number of outside people taking a bead on Culebra because of her beauty and their desire to profit from the same in ways that do not benefit Culebra - and we are wary in the extreme. For good reason.

There aren't many more welcoming people than you'll find here...hopefully you introduced yourself and your guests around town as you shopped, ate at the local restaurants and shopped at our various stores? I didn't meet anyone from your boat that mentioned it (though one of your crew or you? tied up by me this morning).

We're just curious what permits you got, or if you are even in need of same, because our locals have to have them to do what you are doing and I'm personally curious if non-locals are required to do the same. Thanks for any info and happy holidays!

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