Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: diving mona island vs desecheo
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Jeannie G3 (
Date:   08-04-09 14:06

Although I don't dive at all, do snorkel though, you sometimes have to think in terms of logistics. Never been to Mona, planned to go but, my trip was canceled due to bad weather. My Mom has a cousin who was a fisherman and fished, dived and took many excursion groups through the Mona passage. If sea conditions are not the best, the boat stays at the pier. It is rough sea conditions no matter what the weather is as well as the long boat ride, 3-4 hours long, maybe more, boat rocking away. Very few times have I heard that the seas were calm during the trip, especially now that it is hurricane season and weather can be ever changing. I have been to Desecheo, great snorkeling, and it's a quick boat ride from La Guancha in Ponce, about 20-30 minutes. I don't know where you are staying in Puerto Rico, but again, think logistics, taking into consideration that you only have a week left. La Guancha is accessible, quick boat ride and possibly more time for the dive. Mona takes a bit more planning and time to get to La Parguera, Lajas area (which I think is the closest from where they would depart from; my Mom's cousin would leave from Boqueron, Cabo Rojo).
Another thing to think about, it's not the same as having experienced the dive yourself as opposed to hearing it from someone else. Choose a place this time and plan for the other place next time. While your on the island, find out about the place you didn't get to dive and sort out all the details and logistics of doing the dive and you'll have something to look forward to, besides visiting your family, for your next visit.
Happy travels!J


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