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Re: WIldife and Relaxation Yacht Charter In Culebra
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Rick Miles (
Date:   03-31-09 20:22

Hi Debbie and thanks for your comments. I do have to say though,,,us a cruise ship, c'mon you gotta be kidding right. My wife and I run our vessel and we are a small private charter yacht documented USA. We help bring extra business to the local economy by purchasing from the local markets.( we love Milka's!) and having our guests visit all the local shops and eateries. I must say that if you are spending $1500 per week including airfare and diving that you are probably staying in a campground and eating PBand J's from a cooler. You know anyhere nice with a breeze is going to cost at least $100 per night and if you support the local economy by eating out and shopping at the markets then you are going to spend $30-$50 per day for food and drink. We do appreciate your comments though and hope to see you diving,( we have gear) or prferrably snorkeling in lovely Culebra.

Kind Regards, Capt. Rick Miles Expedition Vessel Wanderbird

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 Wildife and Relaxation Yacht Charter In Culebra  new
Rick Miles 03-29-09 20:14 
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Rick Miles 03-31-09 07:44 
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Debbie 03-31-09 18:57 
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Rick Miles 03-31-09 20:22 
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Jeannie G3 03-31-09 21:05 
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Doug 04-01-09 13:07 
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Rick Miles 04-01-09 22:16 
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richard 04-01-09 23:27 
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Doug 04-02-09 13:02 
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Rick Miles 04-02-09 13:18 
 Re: WIldife and Relaxation Yacht Charter In Culebra  new
Debbie 04-02-09 19:21 
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Doug 04-02-09 14:55 
 Re: WIldife and Relaxation Yacht Charter In Culebra  new
richard 04-03-09 00:00 
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Doug 04-03-09 11:32 
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Rick Miles 04-03-09 12:08 
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shawke 12-21-09 19:09 
 Re: Wildife and Relaxation Yacht Charter In Culebra  new
Rick Miles 03-27-11 15:01 
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Culebra MJ 03-27-11 17:49 
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Debbie 03-27-11 20:18 
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 Re: Wildife and Relaxation Yacht Charter In Culebra  new
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Doug 01-25-12 09:09