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The current weather in Culebra

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Re: WIldife and Relaxation Yacht Charter In Culebra
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Debbie (
Date:   03-31-09 18:57

Ah, no - that's a bit rich for my wallet. Including airfare and diving all week on Culebra, we rarely spend $1500/per person. And, without diving available, I don't know that I'd want to be on a boat for that many days off of Culebra. Having been on Culebra 2 dozen times or so in the last 9 years, I don't think there would be enough activities to fill my days if I were on a boat.

Did you have to appear before any officials in Culebra to get your permits, or did the permits come from the Puerto Rico government? Most people on Culebra are not fond of cruise ships in their waters, and so I wonder if you had to get any approvals from the local government.

Happy Diving!

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Rick Miles 03-31-09 07:44 
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Debbie 03-31-09 18:57 
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Rick Miles 03-31-09 20:22 
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Rick Miles 04-02-09 13:18 
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Debbie 04-02-09 19:21 
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Doug 04-03-09 11:32 
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Rick Miles 04-03-09 12:08 
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