Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Culebra vs. Viesques
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Angelina (
Date:   08-21-08 21:22

My hubby and I are planning a trip to PR mid-October. I have been reading some of your threads, and you have a lot of great info, and interesting discussion going on here.
We love to snorkel. Been to St.John twice. Looking forward to this trip to PR. My biggest debate currently is whether to stay on Culebra or Viesques.
Where is the best snorkeling?
I am not overly concerned about hotel, and dining options. I just need a bathroom, a bed, and fresh water :) And any food that doesn't give you Montuzuma's revenge! The horses on Viesques remind me of St.John's donkeys. And I like the sound of both islands. A number of PR natives have been slanting me towards Viesques. Any and all feedback will be great appreciated!
Another option would be to stay on one island and just take a day trip to the other. But how would I do that? I have 6 or 7 days (not counting the Weds/Thursday I am arriving on and departing) and I would like to spend at least 2 days on PR mainland to see El Yunque. Also any advice about avoiding "crowds" as we are coming midweek and leaving midweek, the weekend is smack in the middle of the trip! Thanks

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