Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Jay Tee (
Date:   01-24-06 14:58

Hi - my family and I will camping on Culebra for 10 days in February. However also want to visit the El Yunque rain forest during out trip. Is it worth a day trip from Culebra to El Yunque?

We are considering jumping on the early ferry from Culebra to Fajardo, renting a car, heading up to El Yunque and going on some of the hikes. Then returning the car and grabbing a late ferry back to Culebra.

Is that just stupid? Is it too far or too much of a headache for one day?

Thanks for any info....


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 Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Jay Tee 01-24-06 14:58 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Frank 01-24-06 15:02 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Jay Tee 01-24-06 15:30 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Doug 01-24-06 15:36 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Jay Tee 01-24-06 16:07 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Debbie 01-24-06 18:43 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Debbie 01-24-06 18:44 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Michael 01-24-06 20:58 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
ZoĆ« Vars 01-27-06 09:44 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Shawn 02-02-06 09:58 
 Re: Culebra to El Yunque... worth a day trip?  new
Anita Hall 02-02-06 11:18