Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: favorite culebra memory
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Doug (
Date:   06-10-04 18:28

Check out my post in the snorkling thread!

Also, New Year's on the ferrydock plaza 12/31/01 was awesome. My Culebrense friend had a European cut fancy shirt with 4 pockets in the front. I have picture of him and his wife, me and my wife, all wearing glow-in-the-dark glasses shaped like 2002 (with the eyeholes being the zeros) and him with a Presidente in each of the four pockets and one in each hand. Talk about Boy Scout preparedness!
There were 2 bandstands. A salsa band at one end alternated with a jazzier combo on the other.
After adapting to island time I assumed that "midnight" would be tardy like everything else, but in this case the powers that be actually came in ahead of the curve. The fireworks went off at about 1140 and at least one of them fell over shooting fireballs parallel to the ground (whoa!).
After that my memory is a bit blurry, but I think I ended up on the municipal dock listening to Cuban CDs!

This past yNew Year I opted for a private party thrown by someone who posts here frequently. It was a great spread, and the DJ spun great tunes. I returned to my rental in town for the fireworks, and watched from the roof.

I have a couple more stories, but I am going to encourage the people who participated to write them up...


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