Puerto Rico

The current weather in Culebra

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Re: Concern about Camping on Memorial Day Weekend
Culebra, Puerto Rico
Author: Lily (
Date:   05-05-08 20:54

Thanks so much for the info... I was SERIOUSLY worried after talking to the car rental guy.

I'm going to have my wallet and camera on me at all times, even underwater (have special casing!).. so the only thing I was worried about was having someone go through my tent and steal my sleeping bag and my tent!

The car rental guy made it sound like the mainland Puerto Ricans were very rowdy drunks who would vandalize rental cars and take all your stuff...

Does the ranger usually put the North Americans in a more quiet campsite anyway? This is what I've been reading... but over Memorial Day weekend, does it get so crowded, that people are placed everywhere anyway?

Also, what is the plumbing situation like at the camp right now? The car rental guy says it's pretty BAD! Thoughts? THanks again!

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Lily 05-05-08 17:36 
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 Re: Concern about Camping on Memorial Day Weekend  new
Lily 05-05-08 20:54 
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Mort 05-05-08 21:12 
 Re: Concern about Camping on Memorial Day Weekend  new
David Caraballo 05-06-08 12:35